12.00 €
Thirteen subjects (riddles, jokes, stories, quizzes, fables, games, legends, magic, poetry, proverbs, crafts and theater) complete this blockbuster that is worth by its content, pictures and language. Professor Fernando Cardoso was born in Porto, in the north of Portugal, but moved to Lisbon when he was four years old. He is a laywer and university professor. Nevertheless, his biggest passion has always been the universe of words. He is one of the best writers of literature for children. His books had a record number of editions in Portugal: "Flores para Crianças" (34), "Novas Flores para Crianças" (29),"NovÃssimas Flores para Crianças" (9) and "O Convite do Gato das Botas" (9). He also wrote various poetry books such as "Meu Campo Verde", "Amo, Logo Existo!", "Universo da Criança", "O Ciclo da Vida em Versos Amigos e Postais Antigos" and "O Meu Memorial". More than fifty school books have extracts from his written work. His written work has been distinguished by the "Palme d'Or" of the Accademia Internazionale di Potzen.